Marla Y. Empowering Letter – 14-year-old young lady who auditioned to be a singer in Bullies Be Gone! Project Production Un-Edited

More Inspiring Testimonials

Read How the Bullies Be Gone Project Transformed Lives
I think this training was excellent for both staff and the children. This could/does help our own self esteem as well as help us help the children. Thank you!
Najan, age 22
rating scale score = 10
Body language is very important. I didn’t know how much body language meant. Now I know and I feel like I learned more even though it was my second time taking the training. Would like to hear and learn more from you.
Jesus, age 21
rating scale score = 9
I learned a lot. I am now going to start to be more aware and start walking like I own the
street. THANK YOU!
Kailey, age 21
rating scale score = 10
Thought this lesson was very thorough! Good things to know when working with kids and teens, always good to be reminded to stay aware!
Cassady, age 21
rating scale score = 10

One day training to a Girl Scout Troop – The survey asked two

  1. Why did you give the workshop the rating you did?
  2. What did you like most about the workshop?
1. It was great! It taught some of the things you would need in any kind of emergency situation. I really enjoyed Mr. Johnson being so understanding of bullying situations.
2. My favorite thing/activity we did was the Army crawl and the Army Drop. Thank you so much for teaching us.
Laureen – age 13
rating scale score = 10
1. The workshop was very educational and fun.
2. I liked the different strategies we learned to get out of bad situations. I now feel more confident if someone tries to take advantage of me.
Kyna – age 14
rating scale score = 9
1. It was educational in specific situations, and Mr. Johnson explained each situation and what should be done very well. He also increased my awareness of the world and made me realize that a dangerous situation may occur anytime, anywhere.
2. The stories and the lecturing on mental techniques
Darlena – age 15
rating scale score = 10
1. It taught me new techniques on how to be aware and safe in everyday situations. It was taught in a comfortable manner, and I feel that I will retain all the information.
2. I liked the different techniques to help get away from harmful situations along with the bullying session and techniques.
Erin – age 15
rating scale score = 10
1. I thought this workshop was fun. It taught us valuable information that will help us in the future. We had fun exercises and had to think on our feet.
2. I liked the self-defense portion of it. I liked the different methods and attacks I could use against an aggressor. I also liked thinking on my feet and being street smart.
Tara – age 15
rating scale score = 10

Encouraging Testimonials… Letters of Transformation to the Bullies Be Gone Project!

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