Thoughtful black boy with pencil
Your Donation Makes a Difference!

Welcome to our donation page! The Bullies Be Gone Project is dedicated to eradicating bullying and fostering safe, inclusive environments for everyone.

With your support, we can implement our comprehensive anti-bullying curriculum in schools, communities, and workplaces, empowering individuals with the tools they need to stand up against bullying and promote empathy and respect

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Why Your Donation Matters

Your generous contribution will directly impact the lives of children, teens, and adults by providing:

  • Educational Curriculum: Funds to distribute our 18-module curriculum and teacher instructional manuals to underserved schools and communities.
  • Student Workbooks: Essential materials for students to engage with and learn from our curriculum.
  • Visual Aids: Social skills banners to be displayed in schools and community centers, reinforcing positive behavior.
  • Educational Resources: Copies of the Bullies Be Gone! Project poetry book and “Coming Together in Harmony” audio book.
  • Original Music: Professionally produced anti-bullying and social skills songs to support our educational initiatives.
  • Performance Opportunities: Compensation for children and teens chosen to perform BBGP poetry, music, and skits, as well as the development of new videos and apps.
  • Community Training: Training and certification for community personnel on the BBGP curriculum, particularly benefiting Black and Brown communities, fostering economic growth and professionalism.
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Equip Classrooms with Essential Anti-Bullying Tools

Empower Change in Schools

Your donation provides schools with comprehensive anti-bullying curricula, teacher manuals, and student workbooks, creating a safer and more inclusive learning environment for all students.

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Support Training and Certification for Local Advocates

Foster Community Growth

Contributions help train and certify community members on the Bullies Be Gone Project curriculum, empowering them to lead anti-bullying initiatives and foster economic growth within their communities.

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Promote Empathy and Respect Through Visual Aids

Inspire Positive Behavior

Donations fund the creation and distribution of social skills banners, educational resources, and original music, reinforcing positive behavior and social skills in schools and community centers.

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Join Us in Making a Difference

By donating to the Bullies Be Gone Project, you’re not just giving money—you’re giving hope, support, and a brighter future to those affected by bullying. Every dollar helps us reach more people and spread our message of kindness, respect, and inclusion.


Provides student workbooks for a classroom.

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Supplies a school with a set of social skills banners

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Covers the cost of educational resources.

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Funds a full anti-bullying workshop in a local school.

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Supports the training and certification of a advocate.

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Choose Your Impact

Provide Creative Outlets

Support Youth Performances and Artistic Expression

Enhance Learning Environments.

Contributions ensure that underserved schools and community centers receive the necessary educational materials, such as the BBGP poetry book and “Coming Together in Harmony” audio book, to promote understanding and empathy.

Drive Lasting Impact.

Donations fund the ongoing development of new videos, apps, and innovative teaching tools, ensuring that the Bullies Be Gone Project remains at the forefront of anti-bullying education and continues to make a lasting difference.

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